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Event Coverage KKOA Wisconsin show

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by da dodge brother, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. da dodge brother
    Joined: Apr 2, 2010
    Posts: 397

    da dodge brother
    from wisconsin

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2011
  2. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    Very sad news John, I know you tired hard to make it happen. I really don't understand it.
  3. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,454


    Shit, seriously? I was planning to finish my Chrysler build just for the show. I know it takes a ton of work and investment to start up a show, but just so you know, almost everyone I talked to at the Symco Shakedown was planning to attend, I talked to tons of people on their way out who were basically saying "See you at KKOA".

    I was really looking forward to it, that's sad news.
  4. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,454


    A thought occurs to me, is there a certain number of pre-registrants that you would need to keep the show on? If you opened up pre-registration again for another week and hit a certain number, would you still go for it? It's a first year show so it'll take some time to get the word out, but if we talk to some of the clubs and the people that come to all the shows we might be able to save it. I'd really hate to see it die before it even started.

    If this year's event is not held, does that mean that it's still on for next year, or does that mean that the KKOA wants to stay out of the area forever? I certainly hope not.

  5. TudorJeff
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
    Posts: 1,132


    I'm down for a preregistration if that will help get the ball rolling!

  6. Right on ...I know i could get atleast a dozen or so people to register in the next few days
  7. Instead of canceling Post on here what you need we will get you there!!!!!!
  8. WE talked to tons of people this weekend that didnt even know about it ...that were now planning on it, if we would have known you need more preregistration we could have help out considerable by pushing it hard last weekend ! there was 4600 people we could have pimped your show too!!
  9. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,454


    I just got done talking to Cliffy, he's still really busy getting the Shakedown grounds cleaned up, but he said he is 100% on board with any effort to keep the KKOA show on.

    He's got an email mailing list of 800 people and a website for the show that gets a ton of hits, and I'm sure his site will be getting plenty more traffic in the weeks that follow the show. He'll do whatever he can to help, and he wants you to call him tonight, even if it's 2AM. I'm going to send you a PM about it.

    I'd hate for the number of pre-registered cars to be the determining factor. Consider the fact that the Symco Shakedown doesn't pre-register ANY cars and still got 255 cars in this year, and those are only the ones that met the very strict guidelines to get in the gate. I wouldn't doubt that we turned away close to another hundred just because they didn't meet the criteria. Pre-registration will always be low on a first year show, most people I know pre-register for a show just after the end of the show the previous year, so that won't happen the first time out.

    Give it another week or two to get the word out and put the pressure on. Some big posters and flyers at Symco would have made all the difference, but it's not too late. We need to do whatever it takes to save this show.
  10. redhawk74
    Joined: Feb 9, 2009
    Posts: 68


    yeah, i know of a lot of guys that are interested, and at least a hand full i personally know would come....lets make it go
    Joined: Aug 16, 2007
    Posts: 1,223

    from Colorado

    Most people don't realize how much $ it costs to promote a show like this. If you have been involved with hosting a show you know. It is always a gamble you are taking (unexpected bad weather can ruin everything) but if you see low #'s pre registering it probably is best to call it off before it is too late. Jerry and his crew at KKOA knows how to put on great shows, Salina was awesome, sorry you guys will miss out ,it's too bad this happened.
  12. bobwop
    Joined: Jan 13, 2008
    Posts: 6,115

    from Arley, AL

    John: I know you worked hard on this. I am very disappointed for you.

    I was planning on taking two cars myself.

    It is too bad that Jerry pulled the plug so soon. I feel that was a mistake.

    perhaps we all need to give Jerry a call, I know he isn't much on the computer.
  13. da dodge brother
    Joined: Apr 2, 2010
    Posts: 397

    da dodge brother
    from wisconsin

    WOW... You people are the greatest. The decision to cancel the event was made in all seriousness. This was not sent out to hustle anyone. Do get a hold of Jerry at the KKOA if you can. The number is at the KKOA website .. I don't know what his majik pre-reg. number is. He will definately consider what you tell him.
  14. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,454


    Can you give me the phone number for Jerry at the KKOA, I'm not sure I'm finding the right one to call off of the website, or much better yet, call Cliffy and give the number to him directly? If he's the guy who has to make the decision (and it's a tough one, I'm sure he's taking it very seriously) then I'd like for Cliffy to talk to him personally before it's too late to save it. Who knows, that might be all the reassurance that it'll take.

    Bottom line is, Wisconsin hot rodders want this show and we're willing to earn it if we have to. Now we just need to demonstrate that fact to the KKOA.
  15. TheFish
    Joined: Sep 7, 2009
    Posts: 144


    We gota have this show in Wisconsin.
  16. merc-o-madness
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 1,544


    i dont like cheese
  17. My phones been blowing up since everyone heard this. I had to purchase the hamb iPhone app just to post since I haven't been home since last Wednesday.

    Please don't cancel the show. I'll put my whole shakedown team on it to make this happen. I know of at least 25 cars coming. Even the olivers are coming from Iowa. There was a ton of buzz about the show at Symco...without anyone there promoting it.

    I even talked one more person into coming from over a hundred miles away last night....and he has a blown flathead powered '32.

    Get us fliers and I'll make sure we spread them around the state. I'll put out to my 800 people on the email list and I'll post a huge add on the front page of the Symco site and on facebook. I'm getting hundreds of visitors a day right now.

    Call me and let's make this show happen.
  18. UNSHINED 2
    Joined: Oct 30, 2006
    Posts: 1,168


    I didnt even know this was happening, im in forthat weekend myself... I dont know if my car will be ready, but ill pre-reg to get the revenue flowing if that helps keep the show rolling
  19. I planned on bringing two up. Didn't hear about it until Symco.
  20. SuperJim
    Joined: Mar 31, 2010
    Posts: 191

    from Minnesota

    For a notice posted just last night - sure has a lot of support for "the show must go on". Hope it does...
  21. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
    Posts: 2,078

    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Jerry and his Crew are the ULTIMATE B-E-S-T ! Talked with them about this in Salina and they were really looking forward to this show.

    Hopefully, if it can't be saved this year, with all of the positive thoughts put into these Posts here on the H.A.M.B., maybe it can resurface next year with your solid-upfront support.

  22. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,454


    Do we know if the grounds have been canceled yet, have the pre-registrations been refunded? Because if not, I really think we can save it for this year. We'll throw down a great show and make sure the KKOA will want to come back next year.
  23. Shit, we were vending there for sure!!
  24. Hank
    Joined: Feb 18, 2005
    Posts: 234

    from Wisconsin

    Damn! I was just looking for the details about the show last night. The info is very limited. I will attend (wife and kids in tow) if it is still on. I'm willing to preregister if needed.
  25. straykatkustoms
    Joined: Oct 30, 2001
    Posts: 22,514


    After Salina, Renee and I were on a "Kustom" high, so we started to think about
    driving up this year. Because of some school functions we had to change our plans.
    Next year, my kids will be out of school, so we will be ready to drive up to Wisconsin.

    I wish that I could have gone this year but I can't. I'll do what I can to get some of
    the guys around here to run up with us.

    Don't loose the faith, this is going to be kool....

    Happy Trails, Mick
    Joined: Dec 1, 2006
    Posts: 594


    WOW...what a let down :( we was all excited to go!! hope Jerry changes his mind!!!! we would definatly be there!!! going to email him & voice this! hope with all the voicing on here he changes his mind!!
  27. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,628


    Has the KKOA stopped to consider that a lot of people simply do not pre-register for events? If there was a magic number, that should have been stated up front, or pre-registrations should have been required. Send the KKOA people a link to this thread. Maybe they will reconsider. After-all, canceling this late in the game means that all the advertising, deposits, etc will be lost with NO recovery instead of a little/full recovery.
  28. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    sounds to me like opportunity is waiting for someone else to take this chance-----
  29. da dodge brother
    Joined: Apr 2, 2010
    Posts: 397

    da dodge brother
    from wisconsin

    As I have stated before.These HAMBER people have to be the greatest out there. Your response and support has been fantastic. Just got off the phone with Jerry Titus of the KKOA and he is putting the event on hold until 2012. We know we have some work to do to inform all of you out there about this event. Now we want to make sure that we don't go up against any other show of this type so can we ask a little help here in picking a different date. Jerry feels that we are to late in the season and would like to move up to an earlier date. Being in Wisconsin our date span runs from early June to Mid. September. Where could we fit this sucker in without causing problems. Jerry's suggestion would be the first weekend in June.
  30. can the gathering still happen without the backing organization

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