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Getting logged out very fast ???

Discussion in 'Questions & Suggestions' started by Acme Speed Shop, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. Acme Speed Shop
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 1,755

    Acme Speed Shop
    from so cal

    How do I set my computer or my options to keep logged on until I LOG OFF????

    I have been logged off in the middle of posting so many times. I go to uplaod the post and the log-in screen comes up again. I log in and then my post is gone. WTF???!!!

  2. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    next time you login, click the "remember me" box... that should fix it.
  3. Why do I get logged out so quickly after I log in ???
  4. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Click on the "Remember Me" box when you log in.
    It's right near to your password box

  5. I don't like clicking the remember me. I like my computer back to square one when I fire it up every day. I've noticed we get logged out much faster lately too. My guess is there is some sort of timing setting that has been changed that sort of forces you to log in and "remember me" if you don't want to keep logging in while surfing. I have no idea why this would be a thing though.
  6. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    You asked me......... Why do I get logged out so quickly after I log in ???

    And I told you why.

    If you don't click the "remember me" box or don't want to then you will be logging back on more often.
    metlmunchr likes this.
  7. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 20,545


    I don't want the computer to remember me either. But it didn't use to log me out every three minutes like it does now. Change it back please!
  8. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
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    Just do what I do.............sign in & check the remember me box then sign out when you are finished.
    slammed likes this.
  9. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
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    Tried that, and I was logged out within three minutes again. Something has been changed and it isn't good.
  10. Agree ..... Someone needs to look into this...
  11. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    I sent a note to Ryan.....hang tight fellas
  12. Thanx!
  13. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Sorry for the hassle. That problem happens when your browser is out of memory. Here is how you can beat it:

    1. Clear the cache and temporary internet files from your browsers memory.

    2. Next time you login, click the "remember me" box.

    After that, you will be good to go!

    As per the "remember me" thing, there is no timer per se from our side. Your browser decides how long to remember the "cookie" depending on how tightly you have your security settings administered. I can't control that.

    whiplash1923T likes this.
  14. I can see this is what it is, I'm fine with that.

    But I can use a totally cleared explorer, and totally cleared Firefox. They clear everything every time I shut down. This time I opened them both, cleared them of everything (even though they were already clear) and signed in on the HAMB with both of them. I didn't time it, but they both quickly logged me off. Nothing has changed on my end, this is always the way I have logged in. I have the exact same settings and security.

    Ive never had to click remember me, and as long as I don't walk away from the computer for a longer length of time, I'm good.

    So now Ill click remember me, but I do not see this "log off" thing muttley was talking about ... someone please point me in the right direction ... Thanks!
  15. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
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    silent rick

    i clear my cache. i check the remember me box. i get logged out every 2-3 minutes
  16. Click on the single torso icon at the top to open your profile and at the bottom of that list is log off.

  17. Thanks K13, I had opened that up but didn't see that I could scroll even further down and there it is ... thanks!
  18. I'm with silent rick here; I've cleared the cache and checked the remember me box and I get bounced as soon as I change a page. This has only been an issue in the last week or so and it is a BIG issue. Very frustrating!

    Okay so now when I go to post this it says I must log in even though I go to the "torso" and it knows I'm here.. Yeesh!

    Will go through the whole process again to attempt to post this... I repeat - Yeesh!!

  19. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I just had a thought... Are you guys using or (without the www)?

    Sorry fellas... This is a tough one for me to troubleshoot as I really don't have any control over your browser.
  20. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
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    silent rick

    it's definitely a browser problem and a problem i'm having on my end. i've tried to update and even tried to add chrome but had it fail three times. i get some error. until i'm able to upgrade, i'm stuck with it.
    i can post all i want on vbulliten boards and not have a single problem. my browser doesn't like the new hamb.
  21. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
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    silent rick

    edit: i had to log back in order to submit the above post
  22. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    How old is your system and what size is it ?
    If it's really old - you may have so much stuff in memory that cleaning out day to day is the only memory you have left.
    Old units - pictures swallow up memory.
    What Brouser are you using -?
    Windows ?
    MAC or ?

    If it's Windows - XP or older - things are starting to act weird in our industry.

    Check your memory disc and see how much you actually have left.

    Run a virus scan..... you may have a Malware cookie tracker that has infected your computer.
    It likes cookies so it eats them quicker and quicker.

    Hey when it doubt go buy a new unit and start fresh.
  23. I don't know what to recommend either - since I have changed nothing in terms of hardware, browser etc.. This is something that just began out of nowhere(?) and I previously had not needed to check the remember me box. I will say that I haven't been bumped today (having checked that box), so perhaps things are looking up! Really don't know why my approach needs to be different than before 'tho...

  24. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Here's how it works... If you click the "remember me" box, you are allowing to drop a permanent "cookie" on your computer that basically says, "keep this user logged in." If you don't click that box, you are telling your computer not to allow to drop a permanent cookie and only allow the site to drop a temp cookie. In that case, I have ZERO control over how long you stay logged in. The length you stay logged in is 100% controlled by your browser's security settings.

    So, if your browser is acting differently and you have not clicked the "remember me" box, then you need to take it up with your browser's tech support team. I can't help ya... But I certainly wish I could!
  25. vintage 48
    Joined: Aug 13, 2013
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    vintage 48
    from florida

    I don't see how so many of our computers can have a problem at the same time, sounds like quite a coincidence. Maybe it's a government plot ;)
  26. I do understand your position Ryan, and thank you for responding to the issues that crop up. I commented only to relate a new occurrence regarding Jalopy Journal and the H.A.M.B., because none of the other websites I log into have shown the same propensity for bouncing me and until now I have never used the "remember me" boxes on any of them. It is what it is, and I have had no problems since you made the suggestion to use that box.

    Thanks, and thanks as well for a super forum for those of us who are rod and custom fans.
  27. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I get the question commonly... so commonly, I have a stock reply to send. See:

    Sorry for the hassle. That problem happens when your browser is out of memory. Here is how you can beat it:

    1. Clear the cache and temporary internet files from your browsers memory.

    2. Next time you login, click the "remember me" box.

    After that, you will be good to go!


    No sweat man. Glad it's working for you.
  28. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
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  29. captmullette
    Joined: Oct 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,929


    I have tried everything I know of, I have NO viruses, this is the ONLY wesite I have this problem on, I am a member of dogfight, front engine dragsters problems....unfortunately the hamb is my # 1 sitebut it keeps loggin me out over and fucking over......really frustrating.....I need some tech info on here I know some others are having this problem.....thanks bobby turner
  30. elgringo71
    Joined: Oct 2, 2010
    Posts: 3,831


    Have you tried clicking (checking) the stay logged in box to the right of the box that you click to log in?

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