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Features De gustibus non est disputandum

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by Ryan, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. rod1
    Joined: Jan 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,343


    Numquam dic numquam.Never say never.What you dislike today ,may be what you like tomorrow..
  2. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,231


    It happens a lot, and sometimes subtle, sometimes in your face, but it's just the fact they had to post something to feel important?, they bash old ways, old parts, old styles of rods and customs.

    Did you happen to see Andy Kohler's recent pic/post of his serious old school Bonneville style Trog build with "filled wheel wells" on that filled wells thread. It was nice to see him occasionally back on here after a very long hiatus. But, as usual (and predictable), some negative nancy only said (100% direct quote) "We all have opinions... dumb then.. dumb now."..AND this hater's avatar shows a motor with circus clown colored AN fittings, and stainless braided hoses??? Is he maybe on the wrong site?

    Andy only replied to that quote with "Wow" Why did this person feel the need to post that shit on the only traditional-only website? Do I think Andy will be here more now?.. yea, right...

    Dammit, I get so pissed at this constant bashing. It certainly has driven countless interesting members away to other venues, and can anyone blame them? It took me years to finally do what the smarter old schoolers do...they now don't post anything, ever.

    No, you did what was damn well needed. If the Mods and members let this hatred slide, it will get far worse, and more dedicated old schoolers will leave.

    Heck, it's even caused the site to lose hard core G.White. I really liked his style of going right after people when it was deserved. Who needs candypants moderators if you see a website degrading?

    in closing, what is more important, member count, click counts, or quality?

  3. slim38
    Joined: Dec 27, 2015
    Posts: 625

    from Sudan TX
    1. H.A.M.B. Chapel

    I seen it on tv last night on the Mecum auction show. Its selling this week sometime in Kissimmee Florida. I think its beautifully ugly and I like it.
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  4. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I'm totally cool with folks expressing opinions. If you don't like a car, you don't like a ca
    If you see something, say something... with the report button.

    Like I said, I'm not about to start squashing opinion... and this is the internet, so everyone just has to state their opinion as if it's important. But, at the same time... I do my best to squash the bullshit.
    Sancho, kidcampbell71 and ffr1222k like this.
  5. Is that Latin for “If ya don’t like it, go fornicate yourself”?

    One thing I have learnded from this place is that griping is traditional as bias ply tires and tatooless pin up girls.
    jimgoetz and kidcampbell71 like this.
  6. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,389


    Yes "there is no accounting for taste" but "a chacun son gout". But I believe this goes much deeper than customs versus rods. In some parts of the world the concepts of compromise, live and let live, to each his own, etc. are at the near extinction point. The mentalities of many, many, many people have been perverted into my/our way of thinking or else be cast into the fires of hell. In the words of Rodney King, "Why can't we all just get along?". This way of thinking diminishes all including the thinker/speaker, writer.

    So my advice if you don't like something on the HAMB, or life, be respectful, suggest positive or negative criticisms, or move onto something that's more your cup of tea. And if you don't agree with me that's Ok I won't ask Ryan to cast you into the fires of hell.

    Ryan, I really appreciate your call for civility on our beloved HAMB!
    indaworx40, Thor1 and TrailerTrashToo like this.
  7. wvenfield
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 5,596


    Then there are people like myself. I appreciate the car as it represents a time in car culture history that was pretty cool. I fully understand why people really like the car. For what it is supposed to be it was really well done with excellent craftsmanship. The car holds a place in automotive history and many would love to own it. I get that.

    I personally have no desire to own it. If I did, I would sell it. To each their own. There are things I like that many others do not. So what. I made no negative comments about the car in that thread. I did make a sarcastic remark about the spat.
  8. Some people people on this site have nothing positive to say about anything...
    I hesitate to post pictures of my car because it's a work in progress. When I do post a pic, someone always has to say: "this is wrong and that looks bad". I am on a fixed income and am changing it piece by piece as I can afford it... and keep it running and driving so I can enjoy it. I can't help but wonder if all these critics actually have a 'perfect' car that runs...
  9. if it fits the bossmans rules (or close) post em
    who cares if someone doesn't like it, look how many gripe threads we have.
  10. williebill
    Joined: Mar 1, 2004
    Posts: 3,299


    Artic Sands was never ugly. First time I saw it sitting in a hotel parking lot, my first thought was that it was cool as Hell.
    catdad49 and Surfcityrocker like this.
  11. i had four or five years of latin, but i even don't try to remember some of that. but your article is well written, that i know, i really enjoyed it. and to me the Aztec is a piece of art, when i personally look at a tri-five Chev, i see a beatiful car, but i could not imagine what Barris thought how hardly his transformation will change the whole appearance of that car. hats off to the old time custom car builders.
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  12. btw, does anybody know what the front bumper is from? like it so much.
    Stogy likes this.
  13. belair
    Joined: Jul 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,017


    Well said, Ryan. Context is king. I don't like the car, it is too much for me. BUT I am in awe of the skill, vision, and determination it took to create it. Illegtimi Non Caribundum Illegitimi to you all.
  14. 1957 Desoto
    40two and Stogy like this.
  15. Exactly. I don't have to love the car, but i do have a lot of respect for amount of work and talent. My hat is off to the original design of the 55 Chevy.
    hotrodjack33, X-cpe and jim snow like this.
  16. rusty valley
    Joined: Oct 25, 2014
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    rusty valley

    its easy! when people start getting shitty on any post, i dont watch it anymore....done with it
    jimgoetz likes this.
  17. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,406


    Thanks for giving the grace to a more mature discussion of the Art of what defined the Movement we Celebrate was Colossal, Incredible and Inspirational...

    Ad Nauseam defined...interesting as I was researching the posted subject matter for the New Years Thread debacle I found another Thread that really went South with those in appreciation and trying to assist in shedding light on a Classic Custom end up meandering through a vile barrage of disrespect for a segment of the Big Picture that is a Major Segment of what the Hamb is and frankly if its relevant and is ON Topic it deserves respectful evaluation and appreciation...


    Very cordial today...but it depends I suppose...;)
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    VANDENPLAS and Squablow like this.
  18. I can't even speak Pig Latin, but maintain my position that it's a cool car.
    hotrodjack33 and kidcampbell71 like this.
  19. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,406


    That is truly unfortunate...
  20. on'tday akemay emay ullpay veroay, ildrencay!
    X-cpe likes this.
  21. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,229

    Member Looks like it goes across in prime time on Friday night.
    I've probably been as much or more of a custom fan as a hot rod fan since I was old enough to appreciate cars. I got to see a lot of the well known PNW customs in the late 50's and early 60's at shows in Seattle and Tacoma when I went on dad and kid weekends.
    The thing I like about the Aztec is that as far as I know it never got changed/updated after the original build like so many do and loose the beauty of the first build in the name of being more radical.

    True it isn't for everyone but customs like rods aren't always for everyone and there is always someone who won't like a build no matter how Iconic it is or how clean and simple one is. There are also always that brigade that seems to get their jollies pointing out what they see wrong on any build. Most of them don't even have a rod or custom from my experience with those who have vocally nitpicked my rides in front of me.
  22. BJR
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
    Posts: 10,065


    Do I need to press 2 to understand all the ferrin language passed around here?
  23. De gustibus non est disputandum

    As we use to say back in the 60's, are you talking hip or dirty? :D HRP
    ct1932ford likes this.
  24. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,231


    I can't do that as it goes deeper...see below:

    Let me try again to explain how the negative comments, AKA "opinions", affect those that come here expecting to feel at home with people who also truly understand the old ways and builds.

    It's one thing to say "I really never liked channeled cars" , or .... cycle fenders, or headlights mounted on those cast aluminum stands, or a spring-ahead Ford front's when they choose to phrase it as "that's ugly", or "that looks crappy". I and others take that type of phrasing as a true deliberate insult to the old ways/history, and we know that they just don't understand what the site was supposed to honor. (spreading the gospel). I'm sorry, but it's downright disrespectful. There's a lot of talk about the blatant disrespect on PM's that you don't see. Hardcore traditional people are just plain fed up with the deliberate disrespect when phrased as such.

    Who the hell goes to a cat website, and says "cats suck, dogs are way better"?

    BTW, I did do a post years ago on this site's "Questions/Suggestions" forum about the disrespect of the old ways/parts/styles here, and you actually replied to it.. I certainly don't recall your entire reply, but somewhere in it, (you perhaps were trying to tell us not to take it to heart?) .... you said "it's just a website". I had looked at the site way differently back then, meaning it was the only web-based true traditional rod and custom forum, and I thought of it as way, way more than "just a website".

    That's the best I can come up with about this topic.

  25. I intentionally avoided the thread, I'm sort of a odd duck here, I am a hard core hot rod guy but I love old customs, I started reading and saw it was going off track with all the negativity, I understand why some people make their stand but for the life of me I don't understand the need to disrespect a iconic custom car that has graced many publications.

    I hate drama and avoid it, I knew if I spoke my mind I would make it worse.

    I honestly believe, the Aztec is just as traditional and iconic as some of the high profile roadsters back in the day, the likes of the Doane Spenser roadster.

    I also know you can't make everybody happy but traditional hot rod's & customs are what The Hamb is all about. HRP
  26. I keep missing the drama threads.
    We need a drama alert or badge for these.
    Maybe use one of this pouting dolls to designate em so we can enjoy the fun.

    Or something like this

    If ya look closely. The Aztec thread is bookended with jackasses
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
  27. Dutch 1960
    Joined: Nov 3, 2018
    Posts: 13

    Dutch 1960

    Unless the so-and-so is a BFD in the community, or the so-and-so has a new and insightful reason for his opinion that we should all add to our thinking, why does so-and-so need to tell the rest of us whether he likes it or not? If it's a poll, thumbs up or thumbs down. If it's not, get back here when you have something important to say. Just my 2 cents to vent a bit, thanks.
    Surfcityrocker likes this.
  28. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I say that a lot actually... and what I mean by that is, my opinion isn’t worth all that much. And really, no one’s is.

    Be you. Do your thing... and don’t worry about the opinion of sheep.

    I know it can be hard, but if you have one negative comment out of 20... ignore it. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a site.

    know what I mean?
  29. It's a build - not mine but someone else's thought and process to what the build became. Mine - might not be for everyone either and maybe not for me as the days go by ! Maybe I'll change a thing or two - maybe by suggestion or - in the end it's my decision.

    Love, hate or share your opinion - it matters not as some will think differently or alike....

    Welcome to the HAMB and our many differences !
    kidcampbell71 likes this.

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